
Victory Prep Tutors Guarantee

We are so confident in our work, we can guarantee it! At Victory Prep Tutors, we believe that we shouldn’t benefit unless you benefit. VSE guarantees that with our programs and assistance, your scores on your SAT, PSAT, ACT, GMAT, or GRE will improve drastically.

See Guarantee

60 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you have any unused hours left on your tutoring package, Victory Prep Tutors will give you a refund on those unused hours within 60 days of purchase. There is no refund after 60 days of purchase. This refund policy is absolute.

Perfect Tutor or Money Back! We guarantee that you will absolutely love your Victory Prep Tutors instructor! However, if for any reason, you are not happy with tutoring during the initial session, we will send you a new tutor and repeat the session at no charge! We want you to be happy first - that's all that matters!

SAT/ACT Classroom Guarantee

Our SAT/ACT classroom package has a score improvement guarantee.

  1. You should be enrolled in our regular classroom program.
  2. Your score in College Board SAT or ACT test taken immediately after attending our classroom program will be compared against your first diagnostic SAT/ACT test at Victory Prep Tutors premises or at home (test given by instructor).

You should have:
✔ Completed all homework assignment and quizzes/tests
✔ Attended every class completely
If, despite meeting all above requirements, your SAT or ACT score has not increased, you will be given the option of repeating our classroom package.
The classroom program that you would be offered to join would be at a future date depending on seats availability.
In case there is no scheduled Victory Prep Tutors SAT or ACT classroom program in the next 2 months, you will have the option of enrolling for 4 hours of private tutoring at the Victory Prep Tutors office. No guarantee will apply for this program.
There is no cash refund for the classroom program after the student has attended the first classroom session or the first practice exam session. This refund policy is absolute.

Private Tutoring Guarantee

Our SAT, ACT, and academic private tutoring packages have score improvement guarantee on the SAT and on the ACT. The terms & conditions are as follows:

  1. You should be Enrolled in one of our regular private tutoring program packages.
  2. Your score in College Board SAT or ACT test taken immediately after attending all of our private tutoring sessions will be compared against your first diagnostic SAT/ACT test at Victory Prep Tutors premises or at home (test given by instructor). If no diagnostic test was taken, then your scores will be compared to the PSAT.

You should have:
✔ Attended every session completely
✔ Completed all homework assignments and quizzes/tests on time
If, despite meeting all above requirements, if there is no improvement in your SAT or ACT Score:
You will be able to enroll for 4 hours of private tutoring at the Victory Prep Tutors office premises. These sessions will be based on instructor availability.
No score improvement guarantee will apply for this program.
There is no cash refund for any of the private tutoring programs after the intial 60 days of purchase. This refund policy is absolute.

You’ve got nothing to lose!

(877) 638-0707