The College Application Process

By  Victory Step Education Team

Published on  September 25, 2014

The college admissions process can be extremely stressful. These few essays and forms are literally responsible for the entire course of your next four years. It’s very important to put your best foot forward. Here are some tips for having the best college application:

*Make your essay true to who you are. Schools are looking for a diverse student body. Not everyone they admit can have a dry, sensible, logical essay style. If you’re more fun and playful, let that show in your writing! They will be far more impressed if you can write with your own voice than if you can write laborious, hundred syllable long sentences. Make sure that the best parts of your personality are showing through!

*Don’t be a jack of all trades, master of none. Although you want to show colleges that you were very involved during high school, a few high quality extra-curriculars look a lot better than a bunch of different clubs or organizations that you didn’t really spend that much time being a part of. Colleges and universities want students that will be involved on their campus life as well – but they want real involvement, not just nominal due paying in order to get your name on a list. When you get involved, make sure you’re really getting involved, whether it be running for a leadership position or volunteering at events.

*Apply to colleges that are a good fit for you. If you are passionate about English but are applying to a school with no Liberal Arts program, the admissions counselor is going to wonder if you’re the right fit for them, as well. Applying to colleges that will help you achieve your dreams isn’t just good for your future, it’s good for your prospects. Choose colleges where you will be happy and able to excel, because all institutes of higher learning want students who will look fondly back on their four years (hopefully with a check written to the alumni center in hand!) Besides, remember: if they’re a good fit for you, you’re probably a good fit for them!

The most important part of applying for college is not freaking out! You’re choosing your intellectual home for the next four years. Some part of that has to be fun, or else it’s not worth it! Calm down, take a deep breath, and good luck!

By: Catherine Martin

Victory Step Education Team

Our team is made up of professional tutors and academic advisers who are passionate about their vast of academics.