How To Build Logos In Your ACT Essay

By  Victory Step Education Team

Published on  December 8, 2014

In this blog, we’ve been focusing on Aristotle’s Triangle and how to build ethos, pathos, and logos in your essay. We’ve talked about ethos and pathos already, so this week we’ll finish up by talking about how to increase the logos. Logos refers to the logical appeal of the essay. More than simply formal logic, logos refers to the ways in which you connect to the intellect of the reader. There are certain ways that we can build that connection.

Write an outline before your essay. This will keep your arguments logical and well-organized. Make sure you are putting your stronger arguments in front of your weaker arguments, and address everything mentioned in the prompt, either as evidence or to debunk it. This outline will keep your essay tight and intelligent.

Write a logical, clear, well-organized thesis. Make sure your argument is stated absolutely. Directly answer the question of the prompt, and in your thesis provide the evidence that you will be examining further in the essay to back up your opinion. The reader needs to fully understand exactly what the goal of the essay is before they read further. This is not the place for subtlety or gentle hints. Be assertive with the truth!

Use strong evidentiary support. This means, use an example to back up everything you say! The topics on the ACT are all relevant to your life as a high school student. Use examples from your own school and your own life that provide support to what you are saying. This evidence shows that the claims you are making have a basis in reality, and they cause the reader to see the truth in what you are saying.

Create clear analysis. Don’t just give an example of your arguments or your points – explain exactly how that example relates to what you are saying. You don’t want the reader to have to worry about any point in your story. Giving strong, clear, well-reasoned analysis will show the grader that you’ve run a tight ship in composing this argument, and they’ll be more likely to give you a high score.

Good luck on your ACT essay, and don’t forget to emphasize logos, ethos, and pathos with every word you write!

Written By: Catherine Martin

Victory Step Education Team

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