Secret SAT/ACT Tip: Eat A Balanced Breakfast

By  Victory Step Education Team

Published on  December 17, 2014

A balanced breakfast is key to doing well on your SAT or ACT test. It has been proven that eating breakfast allows students to perform better academically and allows for greater concentration. Imagine how much more attention you can pay to your test if your stomach isn’t rumbling and interrupting everyone! The only question left, then, is what should you eat for breakfast?

Alphabet cereal – The dozens and dozens of letters you shovel into your mouth the morning of your test have the power of magically rearranging themselves on the page once you begin your essay. Make sure you get enough vowels – pick them straight out of the box if you have to. Also, you can try formulating SAT words in your spoon! For bonus points, follow the word with its definition. Don’t want to fry your mind before the test? The practice you get eliminating As, Bs, Cs, Ds, and Es will help you do the same thing on your test, narrowing down to the correct answer!

Pancakes – Take a moment to calculate the radius, diameter, area and circumference of your pancake before chowing down. Remember that formulas are not provided in the math section of the ACT – if this is your last chance to make sure you can remember or , make sure you take it! Bonus points can be earned by determining the percentage of each bite in comparison to the whole pancake. How many different calculations can you do with a pancake?

Bagel – You’ll be bubbling a lot of answer choices in this morning. Practice the motion beforehand by spreading cream cheese or shmear on your favorite bagel. By the time you get to the classroom, your hand will be making this motion without your conscious knowledge. With great powers come great responsibility! Remember to only bubble one answer for each question! Do not get carried away and fill in all bubbles! Here you can earn extra points by calculating the surface area of the bagel top to estimate the actual amount of cream cheese used.

Chocolate milk – Is this a mixture, or a combination? Is the relationship between the darkness of the milk and amount of milk direct or indirect? Get a handle on these science terms before you head into the ACT. Looking to improve your chocolate milk advantage even more? Determine the ratio of chocolate to milk and calculate the exact volume of each ingredient in your breakfast beverage.

For a comprehensive score boost, sample from all items on the list! But remember that really, it’s not what you eat that matters so much as that you are eating – don’t skip breakfast! And whatever you eat, make sure you leave yourself enough time to get to the test on time!

By: Catherine Martin

Victory Step Education Team

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