Why Isn’t Getting Good Grades Enough ?

By  Victory Step Education Team

Published on  October 30, 2013

As if school alone doesn’t take up enough time and energy, colleges are requiring students to take part in clubs, social activities, volunteer work, etc. Why? Isn’t being smart enough? Simply stated, no. It’s not enough. If you’ve ever wondered why having to do activities to simply add onto a resume is necessary, you’re missing the point. Taking part in leadership roles or work experiences isn’t for the purpose of boosting a resume. In fact, that thought shouldn’t even cross your mind as you go through high school and college.

Extracurricular activities have a purpose far beyond college admission. Extracurricular activities are what shape a person. It is important to be an intelligent person, but the knowledge means nothing unless you’re a well-rounded person. Often, it is easy to sign up for activities without giving them a second to say “I did it” or “check”. Instead, take the time to really choose activities you think you will enjoy, or ones that will help you decide on a career path. Often attending a random volunteer event or a leadership conference can help one realize the career path he or she wants to pursue. On the other hand, these same activities enhance leadership and communication skills – and this will help in any and every career.

During my freshman year of college, I joined various organizations that I thought would impress medical schools, and help me get a job. Additionally, I joined a dance team – this I did for me, not for anyone else. It turns out that over the last few years, I have learned and developed the most from being a part of that dance team. I have learned about diligence, passion, delegation, and patience, only to name a few things. Dancing not only gave me joy, but it helped me grow in terms of communication, time management, and leadership. I am proud to say that something I truly enjoyed being a part of has helped shape my character, and helped me confirm my future career as a physician.

Whether it’s a volunteer trip to Honduras, a club soccer team, a leadership conference in D.C., or an Art club, it’s only important to be a part of something. Be a part of something you enjoy, and the resume will develop on its own.

Victory Step Education Team

Our team is made up of professional tutors and academic advisers who are passionate about their vast of academics.